Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Name: BJ Whitmer
Allignment: Heel
Height | Weight: 6'2, 230 lb
Billed From: Owensboro, Kentucky
Alliances: Adam Pearce, Brent Albright and Shane Hagadorn as The Hangmen Three
Finishing Move(s): Adrenaline Spike (reverse pildriver), Frog Splash
4x ROH World Tag Team Champion w/ Dan Maff x2 and w/ Jimmy Jacobs x2

Theme Music: Stone Temple Pilots - Down

Before 2007, many considered BJ to be the best single tag team wrestler in ROH history. Teaming with the likes of Jimmy Jacobs, Dan Maff, Raven and Christopher Daniels just to name a few, BJ found a lot of success in the company, even picking up the tag titles four times. He's know to be as brutal as they come, being a part of some of bloodiest brawls in ROH history between The Prophecy (BJ Whitmer and Dan Maff) and The Second City Saints (CM Punk, Colt Cabana and Ace Steel). 

Throughout 2006, BJ was a key part of ROH's battle against CZW. After a successful run as a team with Jimmy Jacobs, Whitmer turned on Jacobs after Jimmy cost the team several matches. The two then feuded towards the back end of 2006 and beginning of 2007, as Colt Cabana and Daizee Haze joined Whitmer whilst Brent Albright and Lacey joined Jacobs, as the six brawled all over the world, leading to a huge blow off steel cage match between Whitmer and Jacobs at Supercard Of Honor II.

Following the cage match, the two men each took a small hiatus to recover from injuries. BJ returned first, and competed in singles action for a few months, before turning heel by joining Adam Pearce, Brent Albright and Shane Hagadorn to form The Hangmen Three, by stapling Delirious' mask to his head. Since then, BJ has been focussed on taking Delirious out of commission and enjoying success as a part of Pearce's group.

Known as one of the best brawler in the world, Whitmer is one tough son of a bitch. There isn't a man he isn't afraid to punch and there isn't a stunt he isn't willing to pull in order to hurt his opponents. BJ doesn't talk alot, and is often the muscle in many of the groups he's been a part of, but just because he's quiet doesn't mean he's deadly.

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